Defense Mapping School
News Archive
8 August 2017
Greetings T-3 Folks -

If you have never thought that I really didn’t have anything to say here is your chance to get into that category.  I have absolutely no new DMS news thanks to my computer continuing to fail me. Even as I type this I have no idea if I’ll be even able to send it out.   I guess for the past  three months I have been saying the same thing about my computer.  It’s about time I upgrade I guess.  Starting it up requires more and more cranks.  My DOS seems to be losing speed and the only mouse I have that works just tantalizes the cats.  The last time it received email was on the 12th of July and that was after spending about a half hour with a help desk.  If it wasn’t for my iphone I wouldn’t have any idea what was going on.   My internet isn’t functioning and the computer memory is on par with my own.  Yet life goes on.

For those of you that follow my personal life I had one part come to a close.  On 24 July around 2300 hours I lost my beloved Mother Out-Law.  I had a good one.  And although she told my bride to be a bit over 49 years ago “I don’t think he is your type” we managed to get along fine after a few years.  I called her Maw.  Maw told me that she knew me for two  years before she understood a word I said.  My Yankee speed talking sent in the direction of her Rebel made ears made for many bewildered hours I am sure.  She was 101.605 years old - born 16 December 1915.    There is a book series intended for older folks to put memories into writing.  The one that I bought for her to complete was entitled “Tell me Grandmother”.  I changed the title to read “Momaw” as that is what the family called her.  It was a book filled with 365 questions about her past.  It was designed to be completed in a year’s time.  We did hers in three days.  I’d read the question and she would dictate the answer.  Tell me grandmother - about your favorite friend - about you best school memory - tell me your favorite game - about your favorite winter - about your hobbies - about your favorite summer - etc, etc, etc.  My two favorites were “Tell me about a power failure you remember”  “For us a power failure was when we ran out of kerosene.”  Tell me about a favorite fall - “I didn’t like any of them - I broke my wrist twice!”  Yes, I’ll miss her.  I was fortunate.

My super vet Gene Tatum has been in and out of the hospital a couple times this summer.  As I have repeated many times this United States Marine is a WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War Vet.   God willing he will be 92 the Friday after our dinner he is planning on coming to this coming Monday.  Speaking of which -

This coming Monday, 14 August, is our next dinner.  Second Monday of an even numbered month means evening meal.  I aim for 1830 hours.  That gives anyone in the immediate area a chance to get there after work and socialize and bring up old memories or create new ones.  As usual we will be at the China King across from the Olive Garden at Potomac Mills.   If you need directions give me a scream.

Kind of an unexpected thing happened as I was putting the information in about Gene Tatum.  All of a sudden my computer burped and a bunch of emails starting coming in.  I know from my iphone I had a couple of things I was going to pass on  but I’m going to be a bad boy and not look for them now.  Also my internet just started opening up.  I think my computer felt threatened and just gave up.  Wish the rest of the world worked that way.

Hope to see a lot of  you this Monday evening.  Sorry for the no news news.

                                Jack  540-846-5413