
Photo Gallery

This Photo Gallery is a representation of our DMS family we all have known over the years... and care enough to remember here --

If any images here are slow...opening... please remember: There's LOTs going on while you are looking at your monitor – please be patient.

Surveyors understand this – if a question please ask Jim Harnden.

May 13th has come and gone. as I hope you know the Agency (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency- NGA) is now headquartered in Springfield, Virginia in a magnificent workplace conducive with everything except parking. Our beloved school which merged with the NGA College prior to moving to Fort Leonardwood still has a lot of its former employees at NGA. That in itself makes it a warm place to visit as familiar faces are everywhere. The Agency has a fairly large Alumni group that is well organized and actually pretty formal. The Agency has now hosted them twice presenting the new digs for them to look at. Through the gracious efforts of Al Anderson, our former 1946 student, and Ange Meoli, the Agency Alumni group head honcho, our modest informal group was invited to partake in the Agency’s hosting of the former insiders now classified as outsiders. My sincere thanks to Al and Ange as well as Kathy Smith and all the others involved with that effort that allowed us to visit. Our former school members that participated in the Agency’s hosting were: Stu Harrison, Dave Maune, Bill Farr, John Jens, Garrett Moore, Bill Locke, Bob Urban, Fred Church, Dale Anderson and myself. Some of the former DMS/NGC folks that were there were: Dave “Doc” Dougherty, Tom Mayberry (one of the presenters!!), Sylvia Landry Dorsett, Benny Lynch, Jeff Hamn, Jack Heidenescher, James Kithcart, Bill Belokon, Virgil Tarry, John Bassett, Tiffany Epps, Bruce Mersereau, Chris Levesque, Tina Rosenberg, Cathy Gnam, Robert Alcaparra and Debbie Allen. Hope I didn’t miss anyone. During the previous trip there I also saw Al Pequero, Janet Brooks, Peggy Burkes, Peggy Brooks, Jerome Leary, Ben Cumbo, Doug Halbach, Dana Reeves, Ken Corbett, Dave Pedneau, Scott Buschbacher and others. After the briefing we had a lunch buffet that was surprisingly good. Leaving the Agency was just as smooth as getting in. Sincere thanks go to all involved. It felt good being home again!! The above was lifted from a Jack Batt E-Mail to the "T3 Folks" on 20 May 2013
April 1980 at Fort Belvoir, Virginia Defense Mapping School Basic Geodetic Survey School (special extended USAF course)(L to R) Instructor TSgt Bruce Porter, students SSgt Ken Vath & Sgt Peter Lavallee with DKM-3. Smoke 'um if you got'um MSG James (JIM) Button---US Army Retired---Surveying Consultant and Chief Polling Judge SL78-2 (G11A-2) Cumberland CO. N.C. SEE: Contact page this site for E-Mail address

Click here for Bio

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The folks pictured here could be our conceivable relatives...
Click the picture and scroll through descendants of Ma and Pa Terrain.
Please note the civil-war type muzzle-loader Pa is holding... I suspect JDodge would like to fire it.

For a nostalgic trip to Yesteryear equipment Click this image then scroll

Bill Farr -- Bill was a Major in DMS from 1980-1984. Above image is Bill's 2012 retirement from USASOC Dale Cuave sent this image of his mug - I still have mine, somewhere. Thanks Dale
MSG(Ret) Wesley Bohannan receiving his well earned civilian retirement certificate and certificate of appreciation from COL Slusar in 1999. Bo also retired from the school when in the military. Lynn Keleher – she is the Registrar for the School and has been since 1986 when she took over for Ed Franke I believe. At this point (Dec 2011) she is the longest reigning govie member of the school house and is retiring the end of this month. Twenty-five years is a life-time in one position and most certainly a full-career. Well done and a heart-felt thank you Lynn COL Bob Slusar in an attempt to become one of the Blues Brothers during Halloween .
L to R Bill Sutton, Al Yovorsky, Karl Abt and Lylton Jackson LTC (Ret) Jim Hey (RIP), MSgt (Ret) Ron Dorman and MSGySgt (Ret) Bill Sutton --circa early 1980s(?) SSG Bower is determining the exact distance from his EDME to Bill Sutton's head using the HP DME-8



Air Force SMSgt(Ret) Lylton B. Jackson,  Army MAJ(Ret) Don Fagan, better known as “DF”, Army CW3(RET) Norman C. Andersen (RIP) with his best side facing the camera, and Dale Cuave, Survey extraordinaire just a little before ending his thirty year tenure with the school house. Air Force MSgt(RET) Richard Cantey and long time DMS/DMA icon Dale Andersen. USMC MSgt(RET) Robert Urban a.k.a. “Bobby Spoons”  and his bride Barbara at Bobby’s DoD retirement luncheon.  Bob graced the halls of 214 off and on since 1965
SFC Mena at Promotion party MSG Banco , CW5 (Ret) Jeff Popp and SGM Rodriguez John Jens and Chuck Geisewite
SGM (Ret) Charles Locke chatting with DMS Admin ICON MSG (Ret) Gene Willis - in the background is John Sarles GySgt Robert Gonzalez L to R .... Dave Lehman, Paul Wilson and Will Freeze
LTC Randy Reynolds and Michael Morris Not real sure... but there seems to be some serious negotiations going on here CMDR John Mykyta retirement ceremoney -- Former DMS Deputy Commander
L-R MSG James Pardue, SSG Jose Rios and CW4 Angel Martinez On the right is the reigning longevity champ of the school 1982 to present -- Jeff Hamn Dave Pedeneau
L-R Rick Barrowman, SFC Lacey Dunn and SFC Gregg Heitkamp Debbie Allen says goodbye to Dan Olexio LTC Christian Prescott bids farewell to Dan Olexio
Rick Rogers doing a presentation for a Basic Geodetic Survey Course in 1980. Who says teaching is all warm and cozy and always indoors?? Sgts Tom Folgate and Rick Rogers during an BGS outdoor Practical Exercise. Probably circa 1980 or 81. OK Tom.... I'll take your word for it that If I don't have my Instructor badge I don't have to be out here. Tell-you-what... let me borrow yours and you go in and get warm. This fuzzzy hood is comfortable enough for me.
L-R Peggy Burkes, Dana Reeves and LTC Dan Olexio Jim Harris on the right is Silvia Landry Dorsey
COL Harrison -- MSG Bruce Porter Major and MRS Sharpton Katie Robeson, Marlena Beata, MAJ McBee wishing LTC Olexio well
the one smiling is LTC Randy Reynolds SFC Roldan Loerda MSG Tim Penton
SGM Vigil with DMS School Alumnis - Orlando Polk is the guy trying to sleep Bryce McDonald Mark Windland
COL Stu Harrison presenting JSCM to SSG DeShante Crawford SFC Kirby Hall(Ret) and Ms Janet Brooks CW3(ret) Herb Kressler and 1946 School Alumni Allen Anderson
CW3 (ret) Norm Andersen shaking hands with 1SG (Ret) Lewis Stapp -- First time they had seen each other for over thirty years! L to R and apparently listening very intensly are -- MAJ (Ret) Don Faxon, COL (Ret) Dan Clark, MAJ (Ret) John Jens nad COL (Ret) Bob Slusar
L to R -- SSG Chris Levesque - the man in the cap is unknown at this time, Les Fitzgerald and Garrett Moore. The even seems to be the group wanted to watch the movie "W" together. Gary Cox in foreground, Timdo Kim is front right --- center COL (Ret) Christ Potomas former CO 30th Engr Bn and Custodial Engineer of DMS
L to R MSG Ken Corbett, SGM (Ret) Bill Locke and Dave Lehman LTC (Ret)Robert Alpacarra and Jack Batt Back left is COL Robert Slusar, CW3 (Ret)David Earl Miller, COL (Ret) Robert Zebell and Lynn Kelcher
Left is Patty Waters - Heflin with Reuben Cook James Kithcart GySgt Tevis Lang and LTC Dan Olexio
"IT" Guru -- Bruce Bynum Scott "Doug" Halbach - Facility Engineer GySgt Robert Richards with Admiral Murrett
Nicol James Russ Cavender Dave Lehman and SGM (Ret) Jake Bernard
SGM Cecelio Rodriguez and SFC (Ret) Paul Jenkins Bill Farr and Norm Andersen James Kithcart --- If you have never heard his preaching online --- you should!
A Typical Graduation scene in Heitman Auditorium
LTC Ruhl looks to be discussing family with Dean David Dougherty in a relaxed atmosphere L to R Wayne Batts, Dave Cook and Jay McClatchey Ms Cynthia Tubman-Smith .... Long time administrative assisstant to the Commandant and Dean
Col Harrison and LTC Olexio Billy Peoples receiving meaningful gift from Wayne Ethridge showing the history of his military career - circa: 1975 SGM Cecelio Rodriquez
"...Ooooh Holy night...." LTC (Ret) Dan Olexio and family at his retirement Luncheon COL Stu Harrison "chatting" with......
Sergeant Major of the Army Preston (circa mid 2000 - He held that rank / grade from 2004 -2011) visiting DMS LTC (Ret) Voccio Retired DMS Director Dave Maune
Long time DMS ICON --- John L. Bassett MSG Ken Corbett at his retirement The LAST School house Army Surveyors... L to R .. MSG Robertson, SSG Levesque and SFC Heitkamp
SFC (Ret) Tim Brennan COL Stu Harrison and GySgt Tomaszewski COL Butler on right
Being a guest speaker at graduations was always a high point for me at DMS. Norm Andersen (deceased) CW3 (Ret)Garrett Moore nad SGM (Ret) Paul Swartz
General Planert recognizing SFC Bacon with a challenge coin LTC (Ret) Voccio and wife Orlando Polk
MSG Tim Penton and SFC Michael Morris each seems to each trying to "lead"... Actually -- they are practicing for a change of Command. COL Bob Wallace Mr. Tom Yanosky receiving a copy of his "Cartography Through the Ages". Tom was born in 1918 - the same year the school started on Belvoir (Camp Humphries)
Bill Dean SGM Jesus Vega and SFC Webb SSG Todd Grabinski working on what looks like the Starship Enterprise
SFC Jeremy Culp, giving a tour to DMS Alumni. Wayne Batts in far left.
SGM Lisa Jones
Alumni Day circa 2004 --- Norm Andersen, LTC Zebell, Howard Luces, Lew Stapp, Paul Jenkins, Bryce McDonald... L to R Howard Lucas, Russ Cavender and Don Johnson
Alumni Day 2004

COL Philip Hoge(far right side) Commander and Director Engineer Topographic Laboratories circa 1977-1978. ETL and DMS have always been joined at the hip. ETL/TEC, through the Combat Terrain Information System (CTIS), provided the 'white box' computers for our topographic engineer training that represented the DTSS equipment that was fielded. ETL/TEC provided guest speakers on a range of topics (geodetic surveying, cartography, remote sensing, photogrammetry, etc) ETL/TEC provided training to DMS instructors, i.e., The "Frost Course" (see Jens bio)...

Col Hoge is "Clickable" then scroll for several more ETLers

Gus Person is the Fort Belvoir Historian and a marvelous person to know. Gus on several occasions was our guide on staff rides to the Civil War sites. He was also very very helpful in helping find 1918 historical information on the school that is being used here in the site. COL(Ret) Dan Clark talking to former DMS SGM Paul Swartz 
COL Philip R. Hoge Command & Director ETL 1977-1978

Dale Cuave, Where else can you work for 30 years and in the same style clothing? For a guy that threw a bowling ball in an Unorthodox style, Don Roberts always managed to beat the best on any given night If you know what you are looking at, congratulations you belong to an honored few.
Being behind bldgs 214/215 during the month of May is not advised unless you are a duck. Washington, DC climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be ugly to nice however the wettest month of the year is May. Owners of VWs and anything not made by GM seemed to always car-pool in vans that month. Commander Dan Taube, one of our navy's best trying out a potential new uniform - we hope the season was Christmas. Phil Herr and Eric Clairmont – both retired Army Lithographer Warrant Officers. Phil had the distinction of transferring from the Navy as an Lithographer to the Army as a Reproductoin Technician. They served with DMS approximately late 70s to early 80s.
I'm not sure of the reason for this meeting/picture -anyone?? Heitmann Auditorium of GAD in the late 80s. Ahhhhhh remember the days where everyone was told to look like statues - "Ok now, left hand over the right fingers extended and joined - smile - say "cheese"". I have to tell you I really enjoy the digital cameras where you can click away and then throw away those no one likes. I also have to admit --- this is a pretty decent looking group --- weeeeell maybe Bill is the exception
Circa 1988 when the DMS Softball team won trophies. Not sure where the beer mug came from but what-the-hell - winners can do whatever they want. Garrett Moore on the T4 theodolite in the old DMS observatory known affectionately as the Out House. The photo is about 1976 vintage taken when Jim Harnden, Wayne Gleason and Garrett were the principal instructors of the 16-week Advanced Geodetic survey Course. Astro observations were a major part of that course, but now it's all done by satellite. This was about a year before he made Warrant Officer.
circ.'75-'79 the then Cpt John Jens escorting MG Martin (Director DMA) on a tour of the Survey Plt at the 649th Topo Bn, Tompkins barracks, Schwetzingen FRG. MG Martin has recently passed away and I have no further information at this time. Sergeant Major of the Army Jack L. Tilley with the then present school Sergeant Major Cecilio Rodriguez - circa 2004 SGM(Ret) Bill McCray (standing on the left) and Air Force MSgt Steve Cvetkovic.  Bill, a lithographer in trade, was an OPS SGM when he got promoted to SGM in 1975.  Later on post he became the Sergeant Major of Computer Systems Command (CSC).  After his Army retirement he returned to DMS as a tech writer in the Graphic Arts Department (GAD) until he retired again in 1995 with DMS icon John Aranza. As a bit of now history, Steve was DMS's last Air Force lithographer.

Jack at his retirement - there is no way in hell anyone will get that grin off his face, not for a while anyway. Jack is a repository of information and facts. You will see his words throughout this site. Turn those over and you will see "Batt" scratched on the backs. many of us had one, few had all. Left to right: McCray, Reeves, Roberts, Sutton, Batt in the back row - up front Cuave and Jackson
A Drafting class in 1918 - If this were in color and you could "smell" you would see bright yellow #2 pencils and smell "art-gum and ruby red erasers" Jim Harnden, Don Roberts, John Aranza (RIP), Jake Bernard and Barney Free. The casing of the DMS flag with COL Robert Slusar on the right, SGM Paul Swartz and Mr Dave Broadhurst College (NGC) Dean
Ray Chapman, Dave Miller (RIP) and Bob Urban. Far right is John Aranza talking with someone John Jens told me; "When I was OIC of one of the proto-type terrain analysis teams in the 649th we learned to 'print on the fly' ...!" School icons from the modern day era – COL(Ret) William Stockhausen, SGM(Ret) Jake Bernard, CW3(Ret) Jim Harnden, and COL(Ret) Robert Slusar.
Air Force Lt Gen James R. Clapper (ret) the current Director of National Intelligence after serving circa. 2006 as the Director of the National Geospatial Intelligent Agency L to R - COL Bob Slusar, COL Stu Harrison and COL Dan Clark On the right is retired MSG Mike Edwards with 1SG (ret) Lewis Stapp. Stapp is one of only four we know now that was at the school in the 1940s (1947).
Alan Anderson was a student in the Topographic Course in 1946. He later was elected to the Agency Hall of Fame. Here you can see a real Civil War reenactor - Dana Reeves started in the Press Room in 1996. He later crossed-trained into the GEOINT community and is excelling there also. Paul Swartz was school SGM in the early 2000s. He is an accomplished antique furniture repairman and has his own shop in Old Town Alexandria.
Lewis, Mike and retired 30th Engineer Battalion Commander Colonel Christ Potomas – Christ, better known as Chris, came to the school as a civilian and became the best damn facility engineer we could ever hope for. He was never shy in picking up a tool and doing the job himself!! He still lives in Northern Virginia and graces us often at our semi-monthly informal luncheons!  A Photolithography student from the early 2000s that clearly demonstrates that all printers will have dirty hands but not all are ugly!
SFC(Ret) Bryce McDonald and 1SG(Ret) Lewis Stapp. Over 60 years ago they were in TOPO together and they are good friends today living perhaps ten miles apart.  Mark “Scoop” Martin – a former USMC SSgt and DoD civilian instructor at the school house – Scoop taught in layout and camera. Mark got the nickname “Scoop” because he worked for a mortuary part-time recovering dead bodies. Presently he works full time in the funeral business and has added cremations to his list of undertaking skills.  Rose and John Aranza (RIP).  John worked at the school from around 1967 to 1995 as a civilian and before that while in the Army.  He was a student back in ’47. 
Ms Peggy Burks supervising two BLITH student A typical BLITH team with their instructor SSG Roger Mendiola. It should be noted that if you look over Roger’s left shoulder you will see his biggest fan!! A poor defenseless student being supervised by SFC Chris White and Mr Dana Reeves.
Jack said - it took almost twenty-five years but I can finally zap SFC(Ret) Stu Lobel with a “Safety Violation” – (see insert) wearing a watch while working on an offset press!! Gotcha Stu!!! Paybacks are great!! Joking aside, Stu worked at DMS for many years before retiring around 1993 as an SFC. Presently he works at The Mass Transit Print Shop, in Broward County, Florida as the Manager, Supervisor, and Printer, rolled up in one, in other words he is the print shop! In this picture Stu is working on a brand new Heidelberg printing press his shop just got in this year (2012). Stu and his wife, Lisa, live in Boca Raton, Florida.
Clicking Image will take you to a readable Contour article of this 2nd Advanced Lithography graduating (ALITH) class...Article and Image was furnished by SSG(Ret) Lowell W. Haskin (standing left side) Printing Department from Dec. 1988 - May 1995 as a Master Instructor. He now lives in Layton, Utah that's Next to Hill, AFB. Lowell worked for Printech for 15 years in the Pre-press Department. He says he is currently working part time for Advantage Printing in the Pre press.
An “Admiral” process camera going out the second floor opening on the east side of building 214 in April of 2001 Don Roberts and Todd Pollard directing camera removal Just to prove we repeat history, this is the removal of a Rutherford Mac Process camera in 1976 from the same opening We have to assume the opening was closed for those 25 years.
Have you noticed yet that you and the select few
of those that have worked in the DMS are as Rare
and Beautiful as many of those pictured here? You are Extraordinary for what you have accomplished and shall always be known as Special and the elite.
All site contents © 2016 by Harold Hester. Site best when viewed at 800 x 600 or greater screen resolution.