The then SP5 Ron Gallien – he is either working on one hell of a crossword puzzle or he is plotting something –Ron retired I think as a CW2 or 3. I am guessing circa 1981 as I knew Ron when he was a SP5
Not sure of who is operating the T-2 Theodolite. The fact that his face is all scrunched up tells me he was horrible at the job. Whether sighting through a rifle or survey telescope, you gotta keep both eyes open and concentrate on the eye doing the sighting.
Did we teach a version of Combat Topographic Survey Computations?? Not to many folks worn their helmet liner indoors.
Bill Locke’s first train set – we had a “train” set up below Wheeler for a long time – don’t know if these were the ones that came over or not from the 30th
Antiquated “pocket stereoscope” in action. Not sure if “Sheppard” was student or instructor?
“Storman” Norman Price
Chief Lonnie Parker – demostrating he can put the .001 micron dot on the ground using
the APPS – Analytical Photogrammetric Positioning Device
multiplex – pre purple cookie again – I bet ’74 or so
I believe this is Norman “Storman Norman” Price
One of my absolute favorite instructors and people of all time – John "Jake" Jacobs (RIP) – he was teaching in GAD when I arrived in 1957 and was still there when I left in 1977 - God never made a better human.
John Aranza (RIP) teaching a Process Photography student circa 1973 or so – it was before the use of the purple cookie instructor’s badge.
I see the name tag Ferguson – Could be Robert?
I think this is the infamous FADAC (Field Artillery Digital Automatic Computer) – it ended up in the Engineers cuz the Artillery
folks could not integrate it into a field environment. Someone in Dept Army created a bunch of programs for FADAC
hoping to replace we stalwart 82E Topo Computers. Many spent more time cleaning the stupid air filters than performing
survey computations. The six we had were still on hand in the mid 1970s but gone by 1977.
The operator is probably a student told to dress up that day!!
Looks like Jim Harnden inventing a user unfriendly coat and hat rack-but he does have his hand on the Kill switch
I almost think that is a Survey classroom photo. We had an AF E-5 lifer sort who spent hours playing golf. This guy might be him. I only remember that he had a nickname based on his last name. Medically retired after a heart attack about 1970.
COL(Ret) Bill Sprinsky (RIP). Dr. Sprinsky over the years was OIC of Survey Division, Chief of PPO, and taught in all of the Advanced Survey and Geodesy Courses.
SSG “Tony” Anthony operating a Wild-Heerburg T-4 Theodolite – early to mid-1970’s. T-4 was taught in the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course to determine 1st order accuracy longitude and latitude. This set-up is for latitude.
Dean Bower and Garrett Moore