Direct Support Section (DSS). This has been an oddity from the get-go. The USAES type classified A Volvo truck, added a container and filled that with, at the time, state-of-the-art Topo goodies, Of course it was painted for the USAREUR vegetation and was repainted sand color for Desert Storm. Dr. Ike McKim, USACRREL, at Richards split stage light table inside the DSS. Remember Military exercises are not always just for the GIs. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory often sends along PhDs to study and observe right alongside the grunts. Interior shot, DSS. CW2 Tim Butler, SSG Mark Nielander Testing soil temperature -- In the FRG during January temperatures have been known to get down right chilly. So when the military knows tanks and other heavy rolling stock is going be be running farmer Browns land the Terrain Teams check the frost line and tells the field commanders how much damages Uncle will be on the hook for. As a matter of interest... In Vietnam and actually all our wars our government pay for ever hole made by bombers and I know for a fact in Vietnam for every banana tree that was skinned it cost Uncle $5,000 USD. Fact!! US Cemeteries on foreign lands does not belong to our government – we rent the acreage. I think this is CW2 Tim Butler taking the soil temperture
Testing soil temperature --- This may look "funny" or "weird" but the soil condition to a field commander is a Big Deal and getting it right is also vitial for the Terrain Team.

Interior shot, DSS. SPC Charles Souther (standing), CW2 Tim Bulter working at the zoom transfer scope (seated back to in the rear) SSG Mark Nielander, sleeping after one of his 72 hour 'benders' during REFORGER 85 CW2 Tim Butler, SSG Mark Nielander, SPC Charles Souther Dr. Ike McKim, USACRREL and CW2 Tim Butler discussing maneuver damage prediction software. No this is not in a tent or the DSS... Civilians on a military winter exercise do not always have to "rough it". GIs however - do. Testing for soil trafficability using a cone penetrometer. Brian is back-to working with Dr. Ike McKim Soil moisture sensing unit being placed in position All of the above for this--- The Maneuver damage report, 22 Jan 85, as distributed to player units